Saturday 4 June 2011

My Furry Friend

I thought I was finished with the wildlife experiences after the Best Camping Trip Ever. Apparently not.

I was waiting to meet Sean up at UCSC last Tuesday evening, when the following little fellow decided to cross the road….


….. and head up a tree:

Grey squirrels are a common sight in the U.S.A, to the point that I no longer get excited and try to photograph them. Raccoons are supposed to be similarly common, but I’d never seen one.

Yes, they’re nuisance scavengers who get into the rubbish, but this little guy was super cute. He was probably made cuter by the fact that he was not snuffling in garbage, but in the tree trunk instead:

I crept closer with my iPhone, until he looked up and realised he wasn’t alone.

And then he posed for me: 

He actually reminded me of Pickwick. Something about the bright black eyes, the little nose and the white whiskers.


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