Monday 6 June 2011

Sean and the GPS

As you know, things haven't been great between me and the car GPS. In fact, the relationship had broken down to the point of no communication, except in emergencies.

Well, it turns out the GPS has issues. Specifically, Multiple Personality Disorder.

I got in the car on Thursday when Sean collected me from work after his trip to Laguna Seca, and it spoke to me............but in an "Australian" accent!!!

Clearly, the sense of dislike was mutual, as every command it issued as an "Aussie" ended in a semi-sigh and downward intonation, as though it really couldn't be bothered. Hilarious.

And it is a complete diva, because under Sean's control, it yielded to reveal its menu to contain an option to avoid freeways. I swear that wasn't there before.

Luckily its days are numbered.

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