Monday 6 June 2011

If You're Going To San Francisco....

......Be Sure to Drive The Lovely Highway One.

That is, the road that hugs the coast.

It's so beautiful, especially in the early evening on a Friday ahead of a long weekend in San Francisco.

The kite fliers were out in force:

The views were just delightful:

We saw a hawk!

Some of the views were vaguely reminiscent of England:

White Cliffs of......not Dover.

In no time at all we were in the lovely Half Moon Bay.

We had been a little concerned about traffic coming in to San Francisco. Last year we'd come up via the freeway and had got stuck in peak hour traffic. This time, we had NO worries - all the traffic was heading OUT of the city, en route to the beaches for the long weekend!

Traffic was literally backed up for a kilometre or more, while we sailed gaily past. Suckers!!!

It took us less than an hour and a half to reach the airport.

It was almost time to adios the baby truck and the GPS. I was not sorry to see the back of the latter. But I had grown somewhat fond of the former, despite its thirst for gas. It had carried us safely to Sequoia and back. No-one had messed with me in it. And Sean had used it to pretend to be a race-car driver at Laguna Seca.

You know you're nearly there where you're almost sharing the road with a United Boeing:

I farewell my baby truck at San Francisco International Airport. We're travelling under our own steam again.

Speaking of which, despite our late lunchtime gluttony at Hoffmans, we were running out of steam. Human re-feuling was high on the agenda.

We had quick trip on the BART into the city, and were happy to return to our favourite Orchard Garden Hotel. We no sooner checked in, than we headed out and around the corner to forage in Chinatown.

We ended up at Bow Hon Restaurant (where a second-chance visit by the health inspectors had nailed them a score of 90 from a possible 100. These repeat inspections are very common in Chinatown. I wonder if they're embarrassed at having to display the paperwork?). We had a little private giggle at their Engrish:

Suffice to say, there were no Claims in Black Bean Sauce for us!

(I can't talk, when I was Japan I said, "Here comes the phone" when I meant "Here comes the train").

Sean practices his skills in hungry anticipation!

Beautiful painting on the wall:

The food was okay. Their speciality was claypots, and we probably should have ordered one of those. They took extra time, though, and we were too hungry to wait!

Full tummies later, we trundled back down to hill to our room and crashed. We had arrived.

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