Monday 6 June 2011

Sean Goes To Leguna Seca

I don't know how many guys are reading this blog. And of those, I'm not sure how many are motor sport fans.

Personally, I love F1, and I don't mind Moto GP, but I can kind of take or leave the remaining petrolhead sports.

Anyway, point being that Sean went to Laguna Seca, just outside Monterey, on Thursday. This is a famous race track, known intimately to Sean and his good mate Bryan via many hours of TV viewing and virtual participation (thank you, PS3). Bryan and Linda had visited last year, and Bryan had "rated" it. Not that Sean needed any additonal urging to head on down.

Luckily for Sean, they had a corporate driver training day happening. Sean is now looking into this for the CSIRO I.T. Team. Meanwhile, he got to enjoy some action from his favourite vantage points on the track.

I think here Sean is pretending he's part of the action (somehow, the baby truck doesn't quite cut it in the looks department, though).

Track! Not on TV screen!

Archway! Orange car!

Mazda sign! Heading towards the corkscrew!

Impressive section of track following the corkscrew! With three cars!

'The Screw'! Blue car!

'The Screw' again! Orange car! White car! Red car!

Sean enjoying 'the Screw'!

Straight bit! With cars! Blue sky!

Ooooooooooo. I like this car.

Sean has had a Most Excellent Time. And he bought a cool t-shirt.

And that's all I can knowledgably report about Leguna Seca. Can you tell it's not Sean writing this?

(If there is a delay on future blog posts, it's because Sean has read this, and wrestled the laptop from me in horror of my Laguna Seca Ignorance).

(ETA: Sean has since woken up, and annotated some of my banal captions, to make them less banal and more informative).

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