Monday 30 May 2011

Capitola Sunday

There's nothing like visiting a pretty beachside village on a Sunday afternoon.

Capitola is a beautiful little seaside village south of Santa Cruz. I visited there last year, but Sean didn’t get a chance to do so.

Pleasure Point is actually closer to Capitola than to Santa Cruz, and given that it was a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon, it was a no-brainer.

Let’s go to Capitola!

This is the view as you drive in to the village.

There is a hill overlooking the village. I love the Capitola flags hung from the street lamps.


First stop, Jelly Belly! Sean and I just about went into hyperglycaemic overdrive when we saw all the individual flavours on offer. Customised Jelly Belly? What more could one ask from life?

Sean gets stuck in outside the Surf Shack.

We wandered down the street and turned right to the beach. This tile mural is amazing.

Actually, there are a lot of murals in Capitola. Here’s another, shot in three parts.

And another:


We passed the railway bridge, and walked to the wharf.

There are a series of pretty, multicoloured Spanish-style holiday cottages right on the beach, next to the wharf, that I can never resist photographing.

This is the hill behind the village, as seen from the wharf:


More of the Spanish cottages:

Wharves here have cars, restaurants, dinghy renting businesses, you name it:

Seagulls in the U.S.A. look a little different to those in Australia.



We came back into town and then walked up the hill that overlooks the village. On the way we saw an awesome vintage car!

Yes, I’m going to go nuts about the real estate again. On top of the hill, there are some seriously nice homes:

They cost the BIG bucks. But they do afford views like this:

Finally, we wandered down the little “secret stairway”, overhung with climbing roses.

Imagine having your front gate on the stairway:

The view from the bottom of the stairway, looking towards the beach:

It was a lovely afternoon in Capitola, and it was made even more relaxing because we didn’t have to dress like this:

1 comment:

  1. Another set of stunning photos and gorgeous scenery. XX
