Tuesday 24 May 2011

Dismissed in the Interests of Justice - and a burrito

I thought a little sorbet in between Sequoia Camping Trip courses may be in order.

Plus, I promised to keep you up to date with the Parking Citation Dispute Shenanigans.

All righty then.

I phoned the UCSC Campus Police Department yesterday. I gave my name, quoted the citation number, and explained that I'd formally disputed the citation.....and got put on hold, presumably while the lady on the other end brought up my file. When the lady returned to the phone, I wondered why she'd put me on hold, because, although she somehow knew I was from Australia, she proceeded to ask me for the same information I had just related. Then she asked whether I had disputed the claim (um, that's kind of why I'm ringing), and proceeded to put me on hold AGAIN, "to check your paperwork". NOW we were getting somewhere!

I held my breath ($40 is a LOT of Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups), as she came back on the line to tell me,

"Oh yes. It appears that your citation will be Dismissed in the Interests of Justice".


I was so stoked with the phrasing, and how reverently the words were spoken in Audible Capitals, that I thanked her profusely and kept her talking, just so she'd say it again, which she did.

I tried to be equally reverent, and not to giggle:

"Dismissed in the Interests of Justice".

Heh. Heheheheheheheh!

After lodging the dispute last Wednesday, I went on to have an awesome vegetarian burrito experience. For this, I have to thank the lovely Kate from our lab, who entreated me to sample the wares of the visiting food wagon up at UCSC. It's one of those things that if you aren't in the know, you miss out on it.

 Kate said the colloquial name for the food wagon is the "Roach Coach" - just like we used to refer to the one that came by SARDI as the "Chuck Truck" - but there were certainly no cockroaches to be seen.

The burrito was one tortilla-wrapped package of Awesomeness. (And the seaweed salad I'd bought earlier in the day was also yummo!)

Thanks Kate!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny, Nat. Hope you spend the rest of that $40 wisely. ;) Say hi to Sean!
